- Call us now! (517) 787-8000
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Affordable Alternative in Senior Living
There is nothing more important to us than making you feel at home. We take pride in creating an intimate atmosphere of love and family. That is why our staff is comprised of experienced and caring professionals dedicated to offering excellent service tailored to your personal needs.

Kevin & Leigh Ganton
Owner Operators. “A big part of what makes Arbor North a special and truly unique retirement center is our thoughtful, caring and compassionate staff. They do a great service day in and day out, and we appreciate them dearly. They are the heart and soul of Arbor North and without them we would not be the center that so many have come to love, appreciate, and value.”

Bobby Ganton
Managing Director. “As Managing Director, it is a privilege to be able to serve the Arbor North family day in and day out. Whether It is hosting a penny auction, fixing a leaky faucet, passing plates at lunch, or mowing the lawn, every day is a new adventure here at Arbor North that brings hugs, laughter, and purposeful living.”

Jody Hocter
Office Manager. "As Office Manager, it is my pleasure to be front and center of the daily activities of Arbor North. Helping and serving the residents and their families is always a joyous occasion. It truly is an honor to be able to work with the 'Greatest Generation' every day. "

Heather Osborn
Community Enrichment Coordinator. “As the Community Enrichment Coordinator, it brings me joy to both enhance the community of our residents in the building, as well as engage out into the community with the residents. The enrichment that comes with community is priceless.”

Towanna Cooper
Beauty Shop. “Running the beauty shop at Arbor North provides me the chance to visit and interact with some very interesting and very loving individuals on a regular basis. I get to make our beautiful people even more beautiful. Arbor North is a great place to work.”

Diana Gioia
Dietary Supervisor. “Meals at Arbor North are a daily social gathering. The liveliness of the Dining Room and the interaction between the residents and staff, are both great additions to the wonderful food we get to prepare every day. Nothing beats a great meal and wonderful conversation with the fantastic folks of Arbor North!”

Mike Price
Maintenance Director. "As Maintenance Director, it is a joy to help our residents maintain 'their home.' Whether I am working with plumbing, drywall, electrical or painting, the folks who live here are a delight to interact with and the day to day variety of serving them always brings me a smile."